速報APP / 生活品味 / FAWN - 同志社交軟件

FAWN - 同志社交軟件



檔案大小:48.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 11.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



FAWN - 同志社交軟件(圖1)-速報App

FAWN — Anonymous Real-Time Gay Chat.

FAWN solves two typical problems of dating apps — the lack of users online and privacy

FAWN connects you with like-minded guys online in real time and you decide the rest. No need to scroll the endless user feeds on dating apps and social networks, no need to swipe left or right, no need to wait for hours for the partner's reply. FAWN is nothing like this – hop onboard and start chatting right away.

FAWN - 同志社交軟件(圖2)-速報App

FAWN is 100% private and anonymous. On FAWN you're assigned a random profile picture and a nickname — nobody will know your real name, see your photo or find out your whereabouts unless you decide to share it yourselves.

Join FAWN today, start chatting with like-minded men right now.

FAWN CLUB subscription service description

FAWN - 同志社交軟件(圖3)-速報App

1. Subscription name: FAWN CLUB

2. Subscription content and services: After subscribing to FAWN CLUB you will be able to post a chat request, interact with other users and exchange messages and pictures in a private chat

3. Subscription length: FAWN CLUB is available as weekly, 3-months or annual subscription

FAWN - 同志社交軟件(圖4)-速報App

Terms of use: https://fawn.chat/legal/terms

Privacy policy: https://fawn.chat/legal/policy

You are welcome to contact us at legal@fawn.chat

FAWN - 同志社交軟件(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad